5 Common Causes Of Workplace Injuries & How To Avoid Them

by owner

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Unfortunately, no matter the type of work environment or the safety precautions that are put in place, workplace injuries still occur. As a business owner, workplace injuries can negatively impact not only your employees, but also your business’ overall stability and success. Injuries on the job can result in increased costs, reduced productivity, reduced morale, and more.

construction worker

In order to continue to make your company a safe place for your workers, it’s crucial to recognize and understand the most common causes of workplace injuries, and more importantly, how you can work to avoid them the best you can.

So, what are the most common causes of workplace injuries? How can you decrease the risk of your workers in these situations?

  1. Slipping or Tripping: Liquids spilled on a floor, tools left laying around, extension cords going across a room, and many other common obstacles can all quickly lead to a dangerous situation for workers.
  2. Fatigue: Workers who are physically or mentally tired and are pushing themselves to the limit are at a higher risk for workplace injuries. Fatigue can lead to delayed reactions, impaired judgment, decreased attention to detail, and other symptoms that are all crucial to workplace safety.
  3. Falling Objects: Workers frequently become injured due to reaching up for objects that can then fall on top of them, and should always ask for assistance or use a ladder when reaching upwards.
  4. Lifting: Lifting heavy objects without using the proper technique or asking for assistance can lead to pulled muscles and major back injuries. Make sure to bend your knees while lifting in order to protect your back, or ask a co-worker to help.
  5. Hazardous Materials: When working with hazardous materials or chemicals, it’s crucial for employees to utilize the proper safety equipment at all times in order to avoid burns, infections, diseases, blindness, and other serious injuries.

From contractors to warehouse employees, safety should be your business’ top priority. Make sure that you and your employees are fully aware of these common injuries and the proper safety procedures that should be followed while on the job. Also, learn more about protecting your business with liability or workers compensation insurance today by contacting the agents at Farmington Insurance!

One Response to “5 Common Causes Of Workplace Injuries & How To Avoid Them”

  1. Thanks for mentioning that things like extension cords can create a hazard for workers if they’re left lying around a room. My brother injured his wrist when he tripped over an extension cord in the warehouse at his job last week. I’ll have to encourage him to talk with a workers’ compensation attorney now that I know the employer is responsible for preventing tripping hazards in a workspace.

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